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As part of the Elite Energy Husky Half on the 8th of September, Ivan will be running the 21km event with just under a month to prepare. His motivation, to help raise much needed funds to find a cure for Juvenile Arthrits but more importantly to increase awareness of this condition which affects 1 in 1,000 children.


Ivan will look to raise 5 cents for every metre he covers in the race. All donations will go directly to the Juvenile Arthritis Fundraiser to help find a cure.


Please help by either sponsoring Ivan or share this story/link to help raise awareness about Juvenile Arthritis.

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Donations over $2 are tax deductable

Ivan at his first Triathlon in March 2013
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Video: Highlights from the Husky Half Marathon 2013

Video: Raising Awareness for Juvenile Arthritis

Mary's Story (Mother of George Kranitis)
Very little is known about Juvenile Arthritis, let alone its cure, and as a mother of a child who suffers with this condition, I wanted to somewhat selfishly help my son, but also set about to raise awareness, and then ultimately and most importantly find a cure.

While the diagnosis of my son George at age two and a half, now 11 years of age, marked the beginning of a journey, it was in 2007 that I gained clarity about my crusade-raising funds for a cure. It’s often said that you need the help of others to help yourself.

My fundraising efforts commenced in early April 2007, with the culmination being the inaugural Juvenile Arthritis Dinner held on 21st April 2007. I was more than overwhelmed by the amount of money raised – it was far in excess of our targets.


I continue to be inspired by not only my son George and what he endures on a daily basis, but have found further resolve and motivation in the generosity of people near or far who have heard of our cause and pledged their time and often, considerable financial support.


We remain committed to the research undertaken by the UNSW Faculty of Medicine in the field of Juvenile Uveitis Research, without which there would be no prospect for a cure. I, along with many others, am now working hard towards the next fundraiser dinner for this debilitating disease.

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